Orion Features
Blazing Fast System Infrastructure
50ms or less RTT latency for most of the world’s population, with expanded coverage in Africa in 2024
2 times faster HTTP/2 multiplexed page delivery times (out of the box, for all customers) than the competition
500 MB / s sustained builds for multi-gigabyte source trees
NVMe or faster build storage infrastructure
Solaris 11.4 for ZFS stability, backed by Full Oracle Customer Support
node.js for markdown rendering with CPU clustering
8-64 way concurrent builds
Quick Commit now the default setting for most circumstances
Apache httpd 2.4 based IDE:
event mpm
mod_perl w/ ithreads
TLS 1.3
module w/ ithread support for per-request pools
Better support for Mailing Diffs and Creating Clones
Uses SRS and Reply-To for ezmlm-compatibility
All users are Authenticated via Google’s OpenID-Connect Service
The curious-looking duckling is now an elegant swan
Bootstrap 4+ styling for easy CSS semantic styling and quick onboarding.
Editor.md is amazing: by using relative
urls, your linked images will render in the editor preview pane.
Consistent GitHub-Flavored Markdown (GFM) rendering with Editor.md and Django Templating
- WYSIWYG: Same javascript code rendering engine in both your browser and in the (node.js-based) markdown.js build script ensures 100% structural consistency between the Editor.md Markdown preview window and the production site.
- YAML headers in source (markdown) files now fully supported.
- Native Flowchart and Sequence Diagram Support
- Native d3-graphviz.js support:
- Native @mermaid-js/mermaid v10.7.0 with mindmap support:
prevail... John-->>Alice: Great! John->>Bob: How about you? Bob-->>John: Jolly good!
edge comment --> ro di{Diamond with
line break} -.-> ro(Rounded
shape) di==>ro2(Rounded square shape) end %% Notice that no text in shape are added here instead that is appended further down e --> od3>Really long text with linebreak
in an Odd shape] %% Comments after double percent signs e((Inner / circle
and some odd
special characters)) --> f(,.?!+-*ز) cyr[Cyrillic]-->cyr2((Circle shape Начало)); classDef green fill:#9f6,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px; classDef orange fill:#f96,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px; class sq,e green class di orange
and features On Automatic creation Uses Creative techniques Strategic planning Argument mapping Tools Pen and paper Mermaid
Via REST API]] B1[Backend Services/
frontend services] end class publicUser,A1 gray subgraph authorizedUser[ ] A2[[Authorized User
Via REST API]] B2[Backend Services/
frontend services] end class authorizedUser,A2 darkBlue subgraph booksSystem[ ] A3[[Books System]] B3[Allows interacting with book records] end class booksSystem,A3 brightBlue publicUser--Reads records using-->booksSystem authorizedUser--Reads and writes records using-->booksSystem subgraph authorizationSystem[ ] A4[[Authorization System]] B4[Authorizes access to resources] end subgraph publisher1System[ ] A5[[Publisher 1 System]] B5[Gives details about books published by them] end subgraph publisher2System[ ] A6[[Publisher 2 System]] B6[Gives details about books published by them] end class authorizationSystem,A4,publisher1System,A5,publisher2System,A6 gray2 booksSystem--Accesses authorization details using-->authorizationSystem booksSystem--Accesses publisher details using-->publisher1System booksSystem--Accesses publisher details using-->publisher2System class A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6 borderless click A3 "https://github.com/csymapp/mermaid-c4-model/blob/master/containerDiagram.md" "booksSystem"
Synchronous, Bidirectional Generation of Source Files to/from Markdown+ Files.
Navier-Stokes in Einstein Notation (aka PAIN)
- Navier-Stokes in Classical Notation
Editor will autocomplete and autoindent; has full screen mode, as well as support for several other content authoring modes available to its CodeMirror 5 syntax highlighter.
Full support for branch builds
- No more staging/publishing: replaced with per-resource branch Promotion.
- Rollback and Sync Merge fully supported.
Live source tree search engine
- Perl Compatible Regular Expression (PCRE) based.
- Global search and replace functionality as well (unique given PCRE support); supports regex captures.
- PDF search coming soon.
- GraphQL/AI support coming soon. Security looks fun!
Unlimited page attachments w/ arbitrary mime-types
Secure, threaded per-page comments
Automated Natural Language Translations of Markdown (coming soon)
Interactive Mathematical Vector Graphics with @vectorgraphics/asymptote
- Syntax Highlighter for Asymptote
- CMS will fast fail on unparseable Asymptote code blocks
- WebGL enabled, mulit-threaded HTML output
Deltas from Apache CMS Features
Only the Perl-based build system is available.
New Markdown editor is
based, so the parser is more modern. Latest release supports slug specification a’la the original python-based parser.GFM uses a different delimiter for code blocks.
is no longer supported: select individuals from each project will be granted write access to the production website tree in our subversion repos for uploading externally produced material (javadocs, software release artifacts, etc.)
Orion Plans — Annual up-front pricing discounts available (up to 20% off monthly billing costs)…
SunStar Systems’ Orion — Enterprise Wiki for creating, managing, and delivering static webpages using #Jamstack Technology for dynamic features therein…
Orion Security — “Security through obscurity is not much security at all.”…
Orion API — This page indexes the Search, Online Editor, Django Template Library, and Build System APIs…
Orion Privacy Policy — It’s a GDPR-compliant opt-in system. On the first visit to the Orion ™ CMS/IDE, you will be directed to a Google Page asking you to authorize…
Orion Reference — Those hot-pink pencil icons
at the upper right alongside the breadcrumbs will give you a live demonstration…
Orion Technology — Now w/ mod_perl v2.0.13 w/ ithreads and httpd v2.4.58 w/ event mpm….